Morning came too early. Teresa was feeling ill; her stomach was upset. I let her sleep in a bit before we packed up for France. I went down a breakfast. I tried to send the postcards we got yesterday, but the bureau was out of stamps. The lady said assured me she would get them out.
We left on the bus around 8 AM for Dover where we would be boarding the Hovercraft to cross the English Channel into Calias, France.
When we got to Dover, we learned the hovercraft was delayed about an hour. This gave us a little time to learn about Castle of Dover and the White Cliff of Dover. We could not go there, though. We had to stay with the group and view them from a distance. Still, they were beautiful.
An hour passed and the hovercraft came in. It was fascinating to learned how it worked, floating on a column of air and then pushed across the water by propellors. We were told that the hovercraft service was being stopped October 1, 2000
We crossed the channel to Calais. At some points, it was a bit of a rough ride that did not help Teresa’s stomach much, but she survived. The bus drove through northern France and saw the villages and towns with the church steeple’s jetting out from the center. It was humbling. We listened to our guide tell us about how some of the world war battles and the loss of life makes me wonder why we go to war all.
We arrived in Paris, Teresa still feeling a bit ill. We had planned to see Paris at night, but both of were feeling bad (her stomach and me tired) and I suggested we stay in. Teresa however insisted that I go out alone.
I went, sitting with three women from our group, eating a five course dinner and drinking probably too much wine. We started with a warm cow cheese salad, and then went on to a course of duck. The pallet was cleansed with another salad, in a marvelous dessert have some chocolate cake with cream sauce. They have those puff pastry’s like we found in Indy at a bakery/ restaurant we liked, I think they’re called Perderols, but I did choose the cake.
We took an illumination ride to see Paris at night. I videotaped as much as I could for Teresa, seeing such sites as the Louvre, the Arch De Triumph, and the Eiffel Tower, they were all lit up and spectacular.
I do wish I could find that tape.